Vagn Juhl-Larsen
Hello all you stamp friends out there. My name is Vagn Juhl-Larsen. I am from Denmark and I have been a stamp collector for more than 50 years. Professionally I have been educated at the University of Aarhus. I have a PhD degree in Biology and a master´s degree in Geography. I have been working as a teacher during the last 42 years.
I am an author of about 20 books, most of them textbooks about biology. In my spare time, I have worked for many years as an environmental activist (Kratlusker) and in 1985 I wrote the book “Håndbog for Kratluskere” (Handbook for environmental activists).
My main area of collecting is German cancels from 1850 until 1900. Although I am generally interested in all areas of philately, I especially find the stories behind the stamps interesting. That is the reason behind this blog.

If you share my compassion – please follow me at Instagram (stampstars1) and Youtube ( And please register as a subscriber.