Stamp Stories from around the world

Denmark’s fourth type of stamps were issued in the period from 1858 to 1862. They have the same design as the stamps from 1854-57 i.e. with a crown, sword, and sceptre in the center. But they differed from the previous stamps by having wavy- lined filling of the corners (wavy-lined spandrels). A 4 skilling (sk.) and an 8 sk. stamp were issued. In 1863 a 4 sk. and a 16 sk. were issued. They have the same design as todays stamp, but for the first time the stamps were rouletted instead of unperforated. The stamps were drawn and engraved by J. Buntzen and printed by H. H. Thiele. Today’s stamp is a mint 8 sk. stamp issued in 1958. It has a CV of around 3.000 $ for a postfresh copy.