Stamp Stories from around the world

Monaco’s postal history is a fascinating journey that reflects the principality’s evolution and development over the years. The earliest known postal services in Monaco date back to the 18th century when letters were dispatched via the French postal system, as Monaco was under French protection.
In 1851, Monaco introduced its first postage stamps. These early issues featured the profile of Prince Florestan I and were used for local mail. However, it wasn’t until 1885, when Prince Charles III (1818-1889) commissioned a new set of stamps depicting a portrait of himself. Charles III was Prince of Monaco and Duke of Valentinois from 20 June 1856 to his death in 1889. He was the founder of the famous casino in Monte Carlo.
Todays stamp is the 1 Franc issue with a catalog value (CV) of 1.000 € for a mint copy.