Stamp Stories from around the world

The native states of India, also known as feudatory or princely states, were typically vassals under a local or regional ruler who owed allegiance to the British Raj. There were about 675 native states in all but many were not parts of British India proper because they never become possessions of the British Crown. Rather, they were tied to it in a system of subsidiary alliances. A total of 38 different states issued stamps prior to 1900. Bijawar was a Princely state in the central Indian Bundelkhand Agency (present day part of the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh). Bharat Dharmendra Maharaja Sawai Sir Sawant Singh Bahadur, who ruled from 1899-1940, issued the first stamps in 1935 and 1936. The stamps were type set and gummed. Most of the stamps were perforated 11, though some were roulette 7. There are many varieties with partial imperforates, full imperforates, etc. Todays stamp is from the first issue in 1935. It has a face value of 9 P (pies) and a CV of 9 $.