Stamp Stories from around the world

DOGS ON STAMPS: German shepherd

DOGS ON STAMPS: German shepherd

The German shepherd was developed by Max von Stephanitz using various traditional German herding dogs from 1899. It was originally bred as a herding dog, for herding sheep. It has since been used in many other types of work, including disability assistance,...


Shiba means “little dog” in Japanese and is a very old breed that originated in the mountainous Japanese countryside. Shiba-like dog types have been known for over 3000 years, and remains of such dogs are, among other things, found in ruins from around 500...
DOGS ON STAMPS: Dachshunds

DOGS ON STAMPS: Dachshunds

“Dachshunds” originally originated in Germany, where in the Middle Ages they were probably bred from the Bracke hunting dog breed. Official breeding outside the nobility has existed since the end of the 19th century, a standard for the breed however only since 1925....
DOGS ON STAMPS: Old English Sheepdog

DOGS ON STAMPS: Old English Sheepdog

“The Old English Sheepdog” first emerged at the beginning of the 18th century as a “drover’s dog,” used largely for driving sheep and cattle into the markets of the metropolis. Todays stamp (9 pence) showing “The old English Sheepdog” is from Great...